For more information on each of these artists, please visit our full artist page for photos, bios, and artist statements.
- 3BP (Paul Stapleton/John Bowers/Adam Pultz Melbye) (Ireland/England/Germany), co-presented by the Sonic Arts Research Centre
- Aaron Lumley and Marielle Groven (Netherlands)
- Ahmri Vandeborne (ON, Canada)
- Aimee Copping (ON, Canada)
- Alain Derbez, Mauricio Sotelo, and Jazzamoart (Mexico)
- Alana Dunlop (QC, Canada)
- Alessandro Fedrigo and Claudio Sichel (Italy)
- Alexis Zelda Stevens (UK), co-presented by Elysium Gallery
- Alt_F (Canada/Singapore), co-presented by LASALLE College of the Arts
- Andrew Rinehart (ON, Canada), co-presented by Open Ears Festival
- Anh Phung (ON, Canada)
- Anita Cazzola (ON, Canada)
- Ann Westbere (ON, Canada)
- annais linares (USA / Canada)
- Anne Bourne (ON, Canada)
- Aram Bajakian and Julia Ulehla (BC, Canada)
- Ariel Swan and Laurie Torres (QC, Canada), co-presented by Suoni per il Popolo
- Ben Finley (ON, Canada)
- Bernard Falaise (QC, Canada)
- Black Zenith (Singapore), co-presented by LASALLE College of the Arts
- Blunderspublik (ON, Canada)
- Bob Wiseman (ON, Canada)
- Brent Rowan (ON, Canada)
- Bucko Art Machine (QC, Canada)
- Calgary Opera Labs #1 (AB, Canada), co-presented by Calgary Opera
- Candice Hopkins and Raven Chacon (USA)
- Carey West and Jeff Wilson (ON, Canada)
- Carina López (Mexico), co-presented by Música UNAM
- Carla Kihlstedt (USA)
- Caroline Gillis (ON, Canada)
- Catharine Cary (France)
- Catherine Lee (USA)
- Cathy Nosaty, Erin Robinson, and Mark Korven (ON, Canada)
- Charity Marsh and Evie Johnny Ruddy (SK, Canada)
- Charlotte Hug (Switzerland)
- Chinasa Vivian Ezugha (UK)
- Christina Kingsbury (ON, Canada)
- Cinesthesia – a series of short films, co-presented by Sound Symposium
- Darius Jones (USA)
- Dimitris Tigkas (Greece), co-presented by Onassis Cultural Centre
- Discreantes (Mexico), co-presented by 17, Institute of Critical Studies
- Don Malfón & Misha Marks (Mexico), co-presented by Música UNAM
- Dong-Won Kim (South Korea)
- Douglas R. Ewart (USA)
- Earth and Ether Trio (ON, Canada)
- Elena Kakaliagou (Greece), co-presented by Onassis Cultural Centre
- Emily Kennedy (NS, Canada), co-presented by RE:FLUX
- Emmalia Bortolon-Vettor (ON, Canada)
- Eric Lewis, Deanna Radford, and Michaela Grill (QC, Canada)
- Ernest Dawkins (USA)
- Erwan Noblet and Lechapus (France)
- ETA (NL, Canada)
- Evan Parker (UK)
- Evelina Petrova (Russia / Norway)
- Evelyn Glennie (UK)
- George Elliott Clarke (ON, Canada)
- Georgia Simms (ON, Canada), co-presented by the Guelph Dance Festival
- Germaine Liu (ON, Canada)
- Hamid Drake (USA)
- Héctor Infanzón (Mexico), co-presented by 17, Institute of Critical Studies
- Hossein Soleimani (ON, Canada), co-presented by Small World Music
- I Broke The Vase (Greece), co-presented by Onassis Cultural Centre
- Iva Bittová in performance with Ensembles Musiques Nouvelles (Czech Republic)
- Ivar Grydeland (Norway)
- Jacob Cohen (USA), co-presented by ArtsEverywhere Festival
- Jane Bunnett (ON, Canada)
- Jayne Wilson (UK), co-presented by Elysium Gallery
- Jeannette Hicks and Melissa Joakim (ON, Canada)
- Jeff Bird and Sue Smith (ON, Canada)
- Jemma Llewellyn, Ben Finley, and Reza Yazdanpanah (UK / Canada / Iran)
- Jesse Stewart (ON, Canada)
- Jessica Bissett Perea and John-Carlos Perea (USA)
- João França, Lygia Testa Torelli, Caio Testa França (Brazil)
- Joe Sorbara (ON, Canada)
- Jonathan Voyer (QC, Canada)
- Jordan Sangalang (MB, Canada), co-presented by SOUND OFF
- Joseph McPhee (USA)
- Joshua Abrams (USA)
- Josslyn Luckett (USA)
- Judith Thompson (ON, Canada)
- Justin Gray (ON, Canada)
- Kalamu ya Salaam (USA)
- Karen Kew and Anita Kew Brandstetter (ON, Canada)
- Kathryn Ricketts (SK, Canada)
- Kevin Breit (ON, Canada), co-presented by Mariposa Folk Festival
- Kevin McNeilly and Geoff Mitchell (BC, Canada)
- The Kween Company (ON, Canada)
- Laura Ortman (USA), co-presented by Electric Eclectics
- Lê Quan Ninh (France)
- Lee Pui Ming (BC, Canada)
- Like the Mind (BC, Canada)
- Lisa Cay Miller (BC, Canada)
- Lorna Crozier (BC, Canada)
- Lucy Bilson (ON, Canada)
- Lynette Quek, co-presented by LASALLE College of the Arts
- Maju Tavera (ON, Canada)
- Marcela Echeverri (Colombia / Canada)
- Marega Palser & Stephen George Jones (UK), co-presented by Elysium Gallery
- Marianne Trudel (QC, Canada)
- Matthew Shipp and William Parker (USA)
- Memory Pearl (Ontario, Canada), co-presented by Wavelength Music
- Michelle Bennie (AB, Canada), co-presented by AccessArts
- Mili Hong and Eli Davidovici (British Columbia / Canada), co-presented by Suoni per il Popolo
- Mingjia Chen, Julian Anderson-Bowes, Katherine Semchuk (ON, Canada), co-presented by Toronto Downtown Jazz
- Moe Clark (QC, Canada)
- Mohammad Sahraei (NS, Canada), co-presented by Upstream Music Association
- Moskus Trio (Norway)
- Muhssin Pizii (Italy), co-presented by nusica.org
- Natsuki Tamura and Satoko Fujii (Japan)
- Navid Navab + Maya Kuroki + Rainer Wiens + Suoni per il Popolo Festival (QC, Canada)
- Nick Fraser (ON, Canada)
- Nicole Mitchell + Coco Elysses (USA)
- Nicole Rampersaud (NB, Canada)
- Now Society (ft. Anne La Berge, Melissa Hubert, Karen Ng, Andromeda Monk, Bruce Freedman, Ada Rave, Meredith Bates, Joshua Zubot, Parmela Attariwala, Lan Tung, Peggy Lee, Alex Catona, Elisa Thorn, Jeff Younger, Cole Schmidt, Ava Mendoza, Chloe Ziner, Jeff Younger, Ron Samworth, Jasper Stadhouders, Róisín Adams, Cat Toren, Paul Plimley, Lisa Cay Miller, Marta Warelis, Wilbert de Joode, Clyde Reed, James Meger, Tommy Babin)
- Ola Minou (ON, Canada)
- Olivia Shortt (ON, Canada), co-presented by Silence.
- PAMA (ON, Canada)
- The Parahumans (Canada / Colombia / Japan)
- Parmela Attariwala (BC, Canada), co-presented by Vancouver Improvised Arts Society
- Paul Plimley (BC, Canada)
- Paul Watkins (DJ Techné) (BC, Canada)
- Quartet Four (Iran)
- Raquel Rowe (ON, Canada)
- Rebecca Foon (QC, Canada)
- Rebecca Hennessy and Michael Herring (ON, Canada)
- The Remotions with special guests Erin Goodpipe and Elder Lorna Standingready (SK, Canada)
- Reza Yazdanpanah (Iran / Canada), co-presented by the University of Guelph Arboretum
- Richard Underhill (ON, Canada)
- Richelle Forsey (ON, Canada)
- Rob Clutton (ON, Canada)
- Roger Dean (Australia)
- Ryan Heath (UK), co-presented by Elysium Gallery
- Saba Yazdanpanah (Iran)
- Sandra Paola López Ramírez, Chris Reyman, and River Luna (USA / Mexico)
- Sbot N Wo (SK, Canada)
- Scott Merritt (ON, Canada)
- Sentire (Mexico)
- Shaghayegh Yassemi (Iran / Canada)
- Shane Latimer (with contributions from Florian Walter and Achim Zepezauer) (Ireland), co-presented by the Sonic Arts Research Centre
- Shay Donovan (ON, Canada)
- Simon Nunn (UK), co-presented by Elysium Gallery
- Skin Tone (QC, Canada)
- SlowPitchSound (ON, Canada)
- Sophie Brown (Wales)
- Standpartners (ON, Canada), co-presented by the University of Guelph Arboretum
- Steve Donnelly (UK / Canada)
- Steve Johnson (UK)
- Studio Korinsky and Petya Stoykova (Germany / Bulgaria)
- Sub Habitat (Lotte Anker) (Denmark)
- Taiwo Afolabi (SK, Canada)
- Taylor Marie Graham (ON, Canada)
- Ted Warren and the Vertical Squirrels (ON, Canada)
- Teifi Rowley (UK), co-presented by Elysium Gallery
- Tim O’Dwyer, Dharma, and Natalie Alexandra Tse, co-presented by LASALLE College of the Arts
- Tyler Bridge (ON, Canada), co-presented by Hillside Festival
- Una Lee (UK)
- Úna Monaghan (Ireland), co-presented by the Sonic Arts Research Centre
- Viv Moore (ON, Canada)
- Wesley Peñalosa (ON, Canada)
- Westben Centre for Connection and Creativity – Mozart in the Meadow (Ontario, Canada), co-presented by WestBen
- WhatIIIF? 10 to 10, co-presented by WhatIIIF? Festival